DASC Educator of the Year
DASC Educator of the Year goes to a South Carolina teacher that goes above and beyond what is expected in the classroom. This teacher is someone who is supportive of the D.A.R.E. concept by what they do in and out of the classroom.
DASC Golden Courage Award
For an exceptional lifesaving act that places that nominee's life in jeopardy or assisting someone whose life may be in jeopardy. A rescue via CPR or AED does not qualify unless the nominee's life has been placed in jeopardy. A Golden Courage Award recipient will be selected annually for actions occuring during hte previous calendar year. Nominations for the awards should be made for police endeavors, either on-duty or off-duty.
DASC "Deputy Larry Young Award" for Distinguished Service
D.A.R.E. Association of South Carolina award that is presented annually to an individual or organization who has made an exceptional and lasting contribution to the law enforcement profession over their year of service.
DASC State Essay Winner
This award goes to the top student essay winner for the state of South Carolina. The student exemplifies what it means to be Safe and Responsible. Their essay fulfills the essay requirements, bringing pride and honor to our beloved state.
DASC Agency of the Year
In recognition of their department outstanding dedication and service to the state of South Carolina, its members, and the community it serves.
DASC Officer of the Year
DASC Officer of the Year Award is given to a D.A.R.E. officer that has shown greatness within the state of South Carolina in our communities and schools.
DASC Mountain/Upper State Rep. Award
DASC Mountain/Upper State Rep. Officer of the Year Award is given to a D.A.R.E. officer that has shown greatness within the Mountain/Upper State region of South Carolina in their communities and schools.
DASC Midlands Rep. Award
DASC Midlands Rep. Officer of the Year Award is given to a D.A.R.E. Officer that has shown greatness within the Midlands region of South Carolina in their communities and schools.
DASC Pee Dee/Low Country Rep. Award
DASC Pee Dee/Low Country Rep. Officer of the Year Award is given to a D.A.R.E. Officer that has shown gretness within the Pee Dee/Low Country region of South Carolina in their communities and schools.